The Tourism Marketing Development Fund is a joint, private sector initiative of several recogised tourism associations accross Vanuatu, including:
The Hotels & Resorts Association
The Vanuatu Tourism Operators Association,
Espiritu Santo Tourism Association and
the Vanuatu Scuba Operators Association.
All members contribute to the TMDF by way of a levy, currently 0.5% of tourism income.
Funds are then allocated to projects by the TMDF Board, which includes representatives from each contributing association with the VHRA holding the chair and veto vote. Funding is allocated by the board to projects of that promote Vanuatu, often in partnership with the Vanuatu Tourism Office and Air Vanuatu. The long-term objective of the fund is a strong destination marketing programme, funded and administered by the private sector for the benefit and development of Vanuatu’s tourism sector. (Info courtesy VHRA).